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A group for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning Youth
A program of Community Link, Inc.

a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit organization

Contact: Rachel "Banana"

Cell: (559) 761-9403

Office: (559) 266-LINK (5465)


Statement of Purpose:

The Fresno Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Youth Alliance was created to offer Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning Youth a safe and substance free environment where they can be themselves, express their concerns and discuss issues of importance that affect their lives.


Who's involved:

The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning community is a vast rainbow of diversity. The Fresno Youth Alliance welcomes and celebrates that diversity. Our members are teens and young adults of all colors, differently challenged, from various religious faiths and backgrounds, and have a wide variety of interests. We encourage and invite any and all interested youth to come to our meetings.

Where & When:


We meet every Friday Evening at 7 - 8:30pm at the First Congregational Church of Fresno ("Big Red Church") at 2131 N. Van Ness Blvd. See map. 


The group offers a comfortable space, almost like a living-room, and time to focus on family, relationships, friends, school, work, and to share concerns and achievements.


Peer Counseling:

The group provides an opportunity for one-on-one discussions with other young people who share sexual and affectional orientation who can help you work through difficult times by listening and sharing their own experiences.

Educational Programs:

The group has access to trained professionals for workshops, lectures, and discussions. We also co-sponsor along with Gay-Straight Alliance Network the annual Expression Not Suppression conference.



The group allows you an opportunity to advocate and lobby other local, state, and national governmental bodies and community organizations regarding issues which effect and affect younger Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning individuals.

Networking & Interacting:

The group networks with other Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual youth groups in the state, along with student groups on the college and high school campuses. It allows for interaction with the larger GLBTQ+ community through participation with other groups’ events and community activities.

Social Activities:

The Youth Alliance organizes events especially for younger people like ourselves.

Our Original Events:

Each year the group sponsors the Lavender Prom and co-sponsors the ENS conference. In the past, we'd also hold the Double Prince and Princess Pageant, our annual Youth Group Reunion, annual Halloween and Christmas party, Beach Blanket Beauties, and the Pink Flamingos Fundraiser.

Directed by:

The Youth Alliance was under the direction of, and facilitated by Jeff Robinson, who has a Masters of Arts in Counseling Psychology and who has been working with adolescents and young adults since 1996. It is now under the direction of, and facilitated by Rachel "Banana" Sanchez, a former youth group member and community leader. Banana has been facilitating the youth group since 2013 under the guidance of Jeff Robinson and Dr. David McGee. Dr. McGee still attends the weekly meetings to help in any way possible.

The Fresno LGBTQ Youth Alliance meets on Friday nights, at 7 PM, in the Fireside Room of the Big Red Church, located on Van Ness Avenue and Fern, just down the street from Fresno High School. The group is open to all LGBTQ school-aged teenagers and their allies. Come join us and have some fun on Friday nights! We have a Facebook page! Check us out and keep in touch!

Community Resources for



Community Link, Inc.
(559) 266-LINK (5465)
P. O. Box 4959
Fresno, CA 93744


PFLAG -Parents, Family, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays.
(559) 434-6540



GLBTNational Youth Talk Line
800 246-PRIDE (7743)

The Trevor Project Lifeline 
Suicide Prevention

866 488-7386


The Sanctuary Youth Shelter for males and females 11 to 17 years of age who are homeless, runaways, or have been kicked out of their homes.
(559) 498-8543 or (800) 820-4968

YWCA’s Marjaree Manson Center for women of all ages who have experienced family violence.
(559) 233-4357



The Living Room
(559) 485-3667
Planned Parenthood - HIV anonymous testing site
(559) 488-4900



GSA - Gay-Straight Alliance Network
(559) 442-4777
United Student Pride at CSUFresno
(559) 278-4435
Diversity Club at Fresno City College

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